Monday, May 23, 2011

being a big gal - lol!

I have done it. Cancelled my appointment with The Lymph Lady for next week cos my arm was better today and cos I am only going every week cos of my anxiety re my arm.
Feel very brave - told her I might phone her up on Friday and beg for an appointment any day, any time, any venue (she works in three) - bugger deadlines!!
Lol!! Let's see how it goes.
Need to watch my weight though. Was down to 0.6g above the weight I was when I was diagnosed two years ago (thanks to smart dietician have lost most of the weight I gained from tamoxifen), but now am up a kilo - been there for a while, a week or two, but really need to slash it down again.....
Oh well.....  need to save some money, well, put it this way, need to cut down on expenses....

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