Thursday, June 4, 2009

the recession - oh, please pass the Lindt

South Africa has barely been touched by the recession. Hell, we were officially in it only last week. Ok, I know the motor industry has been affected and cars are being repossessed but for me, it has meant the chance for bargains as all my favourite stores are going on sale. Alright, alright, admittedly got no more bucks to take advantage of Hip Hop's 25% off all black items this week check out hip hop fashion's site- well cos last week took advantage of the 25% off skirts, denims and something-else-I-have-forgotten-the-details-of when I went to the Hyde Park store and bought a lovely skirt and top, only the former being on sale.
But my big contribution to the recession was cancelling my DStv (pay TV)decorder's care contract. Hell, if it breaks, I'll buy a new one. Trouble is, thinks I, merrily munching Lindt 70% chocolate, my saving is only R20 a month. But that's R240 a year.

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