Sunday, December 26, 2010

In lesotho for festive season

Managed to get 3G for my phone here in lesotho. It is boiling hot here and at night there are mosquitoes and I put on sunblock every day and then Peaceful Sleep anti-mosquito cream every evening, It does make the manual lymph massage more difficult to do at night and I keep meaning to wash the cream off my arm first and then do the massage and then put the cream back on. My arm looks swollen today but I think I have lost the ability to tell. But it is Definately thicker than my right arm. My head - where it was sore from the tick bite fever - is still sore. If it worsens by tomorrow, will go get the pills again. Very hesitant to wear the compression sleeve. Will get hold of a tape measure tomorrow and get someone to measure the left arm vs the right, Then will know if its needed. Otherwise haven't chilled like this in years, Not much to do here,,,, so doing very little.

1 comment:

  1. Visiting for the first time Gillian. Wishing you peace, love and healing on your journey.
