Wednesday, March 11, 2009

You can get through this

My dear friend Zilla in Australia, a former colleague from way back, offered to send me this book about breast cancer, apparently a hit in that country. Written by copywriter Domini Stuart, just leaving the book lying around helps as the title "You can get through this!" written in a bold and large typeface, reinforces such a positive message.

Anyway, besides being very well written and an easy read, quite a few things she had to say astounded me, not least her view that one does not need all the facts.

In a chapter titled "You don't need a medical degree to survive" Domini writes: "Do your homework - but only if u want to" and then goes on to say:

"My surgeon told me that one aspect of my treatment had been influenced by a recent study. When I mentioned this to a friend, she was astounded that I hadn't asked for details of the study so that I could read it for myself. She would have wanted to. I msot certainly didn't.
"As far as I was concerned, my team understood the significance of the findings a lot better than I could ever hope to, and they were a lot better placed to decide whether the treatment was appropriate for me. This was all I needed to know."

I agree with Domini. As much as on occasion I think The Tango Man has not told me enough, I have not asked for a prognosis for example as I don't want to know - I am going to get through this and that is all I need to know. Whatever he tells me to do, I do, which is for someone who doesn't take instructions well and is in the information game is quite something - but then, I respect him which is more than I can say for some people who give me instructions.

Oh, and as for the internet, which she also warns against, I know from the past, ie pre-cancer, that when it comes to medical things it is very easy to come with research which convinces you you are dying. So for cancer, the recommended site is which is the site of the American Cancer Society. Explore it, it is a useful source of all sorts of information.

And yes, as much as my world has temporarily shrunk and I am getting used to feeling kak-ish as the normal ok-ish: Yes, I will get through this!

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